
Ants & Nick

Anthony and Nick join the Challenge after a bit of dutch courage, plus some casual arm twisting (we're told the internet and drinking don't mix). Ants is the lead culprit. Having bought a bike for Christmas he's finally decided he better act on his good intentions and get fit so he can keep up with his son in years to come. Apparently life as a desk jockey and avid sports viewer (on TV) doesn't achieve the same outcomes! Nick meanwhile fondly remembers his glory days of running at school. While he now terms the sport more of a "plod", he does branch out with the odd entry into so-called "fun runs". The recipient of the arm twisting, his main suggestion was to find a faster runner. We're sure he won't disappoint though, and are looking to see what the team can produce! Show your support and chuck some money on their page.

You can donate here.

The "Whitehorse Challenge" is an event where teams of two complete both a physical and fundraising challenge. The team will split up, with one completing an 18km run, and the other a 25km mountainbike along some stunning new tracks in Waimate, as part of the "Waimate Big Easy" even, on April 9 this year. Each team will need to raise $500 to enter the challenge, with funds being to disbursed to local, regional, and national charities. The beneficiaries will include Kids Can, South Canterbury Hospice, Centrecare Counselling, Whitehorse MTB Club, and further local groups via the Rotary Club of Waimate.


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